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Calgary--The Details: Alberta setting up water for export!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Alberta setting up water for export!

Alberta Environment
10th Floor, Petroleum Plaza South Tower
9915 - 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5K 2G8

Attention Mr. Rob Renner, Minister.

Dear Minister;

How is it possible an energy company can sell water they have received free as an operational allotment, to Cities and towns and by extension, anyone else?

The Western Wheel on June 10th reports CanEra Resources has agreed to transfer over 200,000 cubic meters of water to the Town of Okotoks of unused allotment.

You tell us time and again, this is an Alberta resource owned by the people of Alberta and yet, we have to buy it from resource companies?

There was a second news item in which the Town (Drumheller?) was not allowed to divulge who they got the water from or, what they paid for it.  Why do you not publish who you have given water to for the purpose of resale?
This is patently wrong!   Receive water permits using fresh water for drilling is bad enough but receiving cash for water they asked which was beyond their needs is something else again.

John Clark.

The Alberta Conservatives are setting up our water, not unlike our electricity for export purpose.

NAFTA presently prohibits the export of bulk water to the US. If it were included it would mean once export started, People in Alberta residences would have to pay the same rates as those in the buyers market.

In this case it would mean California prices which are much higher than ours.

By encouraging the oil companies to sell the allotments for cash, a value, however artificial, is put onto the water.

When it is exported Alberta will tell you your price of water is legitimate and nearly the same as California or, where ever.

In Electricity, the tool was Power Agreements and they were flipped several times, each time driving up the value of the holding.

Insiders got the flip money bonus and no records of who these people were was ever released.

In water they are using the allotments the same way.